Introduction to Degrowth

Above all Degrowth is about bringing into question our consumerist society, without jeopardising our democratic, social, and cultural achievements.
Degrowth is neither degrowth of everything for everyone, nor a return to a pseudo-lost happiness, but a turn, a pathway to exit the destructive conveyor belt of a growth society. With its most effective tools: capitalism, liberalism, ultra-liberalism and other neo-isms…..growth society is accumulating environmental, social, economic, cultural, and political crises.
Faced with this situation, it is urgent to tell the citizens that it is not a question of choosing between “growth and degrowth”, but between a voluntary degrowth, and an enforced recession. The social and environmental problems of our system won’ t be solved by changing a few parameters, or through individual initiatives.
Therefore it is primordial to present the citizens with a political project able to transform this model, which is endangering our future. This is why the Degrowth Party has decided to get involved to defend a programme of measures able to trigger a degrowth; which is at once serene, sustainable, convivial, and simply humane.

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