Archives de catégorie : Degrowth

Presidential elections: Degrowth answers Attac questions about the crisis.

Presidential elections: Degrowth answers Attac questions. Preamble As growth objectors we can but bring into question the legitimacy of institutions such as G20: why only 20 countries, and furthermore why should these most economically powerful nations dictate the ways of … Continuer la lecture

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Democracia Real Ya! Viva la Decrecimiento!

The real democracy is degrowth! Long live degrowth! Since May 15th, our Spanish friends have decided to occupy the street in order to complain about the lack of democracy and the dominant political party and the austerity plans it is … Continuer la lecture

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The cauldrons of Degrowth are boiling

Starting from the postulate that each and everyone will be able to blossom where he/she feels better, the Growth Objectors (GO) do not intend to form a single organization from the start. The multiple views held among the Growth Objectors … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth: what is behind this off-putting word?

Degrowth is a common name, which stands for a way of thinking, a societal project, and a political movement. It is a common name and this is why we make sure to write it with a capital “D”. We named … Continuer la lecture

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Introduction to Degrowth

Above all Degrowth is about bringing into question our consumerist society, without jeopardising our democratic, social, and cultural achievements. Degrowth is neither degrowth of everything for everyone, nor a return to a pseudo-lost happiness, but a turn, a pathway to … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth: Coherence and radicalism to re-appropriate politics

A side step to grasp Degrowth Coherence and radicalism to re-appropriate politics Since the emergence of the Degrowth movement in the early 2000s, a strong consensus has been building around the underlying ideas of the project despite the diverse viewpoints … Continuer la lecture

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The debt crisis: plan B comes from oBjection to growth

For the last few years we have been living according to the ebb and flow of the “debt crises”. Recently, Greece has shaken the Euro-zone, whilst the state of Spanish, Italian, Hungarian or Irish public finances is deemed very precarious … Continuer la lecture

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When Degrowth decolonises academia

After a 40 hours train journey through the Balkans, I am just back from Istanbul, where I have just spent a week very rich in encounters, reflections, debates, surprises, and of course festive and convivial happenings. There I attended the … Continuer la lecture

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Our candidate is Degrowth

For a democratic transition towards sustainable societies based on Degrowth. Growth society accumulates the whole spectrum of crises: economic, environmental, social, cultural, and political. There is no need to demonstrate this absurdity in view of the growing full-in-your-face inequalities, the … Continuer la lecture

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An Unconditional Autonomy Allowance for all

“A man does not ‘by nature’ wish to earn more and more money, but simply to live as he is accustomed to live and to earn as much as is necessary for that purpose.” Max Weber One of the core … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth: Plan B for the crises (mp3)

On Tuesday the 25th of October, in FogasHaz in Budapest, there was a discussion organised by Janos Arva with Vincent Liegey (former spokeperson of the French Degrowth movement). Vincent Liegey made a presentation about Degrowth and what could be solutions … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth and authoritarianism ?

Degrowth is not only the aim of this project but its path and its method. An authoritarian Degrowth would not be a genuine Degrowth as we conceive it. More than a simple warning against the « forever more » paradigm, first and … Continuer la lecture

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The End of Growth – Directed and narrated by Richard Heinberg

Directed and narrated by Richard Heinberg

Publié dans Actualités, Degrowth, Documents - les suppléments | Commentaires fermés sur The End of Growth – Directed and narrated by Richard Heinberg

Degrowth: A Platform for Convergence

Confronted with a multidimensional crisis, we propose a radical, coherent and conscientious proposition: an Objection to Growth. After the first political campaign Europe-Decroissance (Europe Degrowth) which advocated Degrowth (1), do we have the audacity to extend this adventure and to … Continuer la lecture

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Degrowth in english

With the help of Evelyne and Simon, we started to translate some of our main texts into English. They will be published step by step on this page. You can also find other interesting text about Degrowth on Internet on … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Actualités, Agenda du P.P.L.D., Communiqués de presse, Degrowth, Documents - les essentielles, Documents - les suppléments, Documents - notes, Revue de médias | Commentaires fermés sur Degrowth in english